Caffeine Crash: What Is It & 8 Tips To Avoid It During The Day
You start your day with a strong Greek coffee or a shot of espresso without eating breakfast first. You’re totally energetic, you’re full of ideas, you feel like this will be your big day!
And then, suddenly…
You experience caffeine crash. You feel tired. The energy you felt earlier is nowhere to be found. What is this? What is caffeine crash?
Here’s a short but good explanation brought to you by The Infographics Shows:
In this blog post, I will guide you through this caffeine crash. I’ll explain what it is, what are the symptoms and even give you some tips to avoid it!
1. What is caffeine crash?
A caffeine crash happens after the effects of caffeine wear off.
Here’s how I could explain it with single terms:
When you drink coffee (or for that matter, any caffeinated beverage), you get a sudden burst of energy. This is because caffeine actually blocks certain chemicals in your brain that make you feel sleepy. For a few hours, you feel more awake, alert, energetic. You might even be in a better mood.

But after a while, the caffeine wears off. When this happens, your body responds by making you feel extra tired. Sometimes, even more tired than you were before you had the coffee!
This is – in simple terms – because your body was kind of ‘borrowing’ the energy… and now it has to pay back.
So, a caffeine crash is that sudden drop in energy and alertness you feel after the caffeine’s effects disappear. But don’t worry!
I have some tips for you, so you can avoid this crash the next time you drink coffee!
2. 7 symptoms of a caffeine crash
If you already have caffeine crash, it’s too late. But it’s a chance to analyse the situation, pay attention to your symptoms and even check the time you’re feeling the crash.
Basically, you diagnose yourself with caffeine crash, but compared to heaving a medical issue, you can freely note your symptoms. There’s nothing life-threatening here!

Although all of these symptoms can change depending on your body, here are 7 common ones you might feel because of the caffeine crash:
- Fatigue: You may feel extremely tired and worn out.
- Irritability: You might find yourself getting easily annoyed or impatient.
- Headaches: Sometimes, a caffeine crash can cause headaches or migraines.
- Difficulty Concentrating: It can be hard to focus or think clearly.
- Mood Swings: Your mood may drop, and you might feel more anxious or down than usual.
- Sleepiness: You could feel unusually sleepy or drowsy.
- Craving for More Caffeine: You might feel like you need another cup of coffee or another caffeinated drink to perk up again.
If you feel more of these symptoms at the same time, chances are good, you have a caffeine crash. Take notes (with pen and paper or with your phone), check the time you’re feeling it, note when you had your last cup of coffee, and even think about what you did during the day (exercise, work, what you had for breakfast/lunch etc.)
3. 8 tips to avoid a caffeine crash
If you have all of these notes to yourself, you can move on to the next step: following these habits to avoid it!
(By the way, I just mentioned habits. I’m honestly pretty good at building healthy habits and following them. It’s all because of a method I like to call Tiny Trust Builders. If you’re interested in how I do it, check out the Tiny Trust Builders website.)
And now, back to my tips on how you can avoid the feeling of the miserable crash.
Moderate Your Intake
Don’t overdo it with caffeine! Stick to moderate amounts (for most people, that’s about 200-400 mg per day, or roughly 1-3 cups of coffee). You can read more about how much caffeine is in coffee on the website.
Spread It Out
Instead of drinking a large amount of caffeine all at once, try spreading out smaller amounts throughout the day. Drink one after breakfast, than one in your work break, and if you need it, one more early afternoon. This helps maintain a more consistent energy level.
Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can make a caffeine crash feel worse. And drink more water altogether! It’s what we’re made of!
Healthy Snacks
Eat balanced snacks that include protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This helps you with your blood sugar levels and keeps your energy steady.
Get Enough Sleep
Make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep. Relying on caffeine to make up for lack of sleep can lead to bigger crashes. (Yes, I understand, we’re all running around chasing money and a good life but you should really look out for a good night’s sleep.)
Regular physical activity can boost your energy levels naturally and can even reduce the need for caffeine.
Slow Down Consumption
Drink your coffee or other caffeinated drinks slowly. This prevents the sudden spike in caffeine levels, which can lead to a bigger drop later.
Choose Lower-Caffeine Options
Opt for teas or decaffeinated coffee during times of the day when you don’t need a strong caffeine boost.
4. Living without the caffeine crash – is it possible?
If you follow the outlined steps, you can reduce the chance and the severity of the caffeine crash.
But I have to be honest: it’s not always a great feeling and eliminating caffeine suddenly can have negative impacts on your life.
Everyone’s body reacts differently to caffeine because our metabolism, our sensitivity and our lifestyle and overall health are different.
If you found your caffeine routine, stick with it. Check on it from time to time. See whether anything changes. And keep up with your healthy, good habits: proper hydration, good sleep, balanced diet!
After the meals, go for a walk – even if it’s just a short one. And if something changes, take notes again to avoid a caffeine crash.
You can come back to this article anytime you want. I promise you: if you follow the steps, you’ll get rid of the caffeine crash.
Happy coffee drinking!